LUMC - Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden
De module Clinical Development ONLINE bestaat in 2 varianten: voor profit (1600 euro) en non-profit organisaties (1200 euro).
Algemeen & overig
Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden - Clinical Development (online)
Accreditatie Periode: 20-7-2017 t/m 19-7-2019
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In this five-week online Futurelab course, you are introduced to the question-based method of clinical development. This approach, which is based on the so-called Real Options Theory, facilitates the rational and efficient design of a pathway for developing novel medical interventions. Although this approach is used only rarely in the biomedical sector, it is used commonly in many other industries. During this course, you will learn how to apply this approach using the Futurelab tool. You will also learn to formulate key questions to be answered during the development process and to estimate both the associated costs and the likelihood of answering these key questions. It is important to note that each course must be completed before the next course can be taken. Moreover, although course participants are expected to pursue all three courses in the program, it is possible to take this online course as a stand-alone (i.e., terminal) course.
Leerdoelen van de module Clinical Development:
- Inzicht in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe medische interventies (e.g., geneesmiddelen, ATMP’s, vaccins, medische hulpmiddelen, medische voeding).
- Inzicht in een nieuwe methodiek (Question-based Clinical Development approach) voor een efficiënte aanpak voor de ontwikkeling van nieuw medische interventies.
- Inzicht in de belangrijkste parameters in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe medische interventies (kosten, slagingskansen en wetenschappelijke vragen).
- Kennis van de methodieken die de industrie gebruikt bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe medische interventies.
- Kennis van zowel succesvolle als mislukte ontwikkelprojecten uit de industrie en academie.
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